JUMP TOCATALOG MANAGEMENTcatalog resourcesBulk: delete properties from resourcespatchBulk: update multiple resources at oncepatchBulk: create multiple resources at oncepostDelete properties from a resourcedeleteSearch for resourcespostDelete a resourcedeleteGet a resourcegetUpdate a resourcepatchCreate a new resourcepostClear all user edits from a resourcepostClear all user edits on specified properties from a resourceputcatalog relationshipsGet resources that are related to a resource identified by IRIpostCreates a relationship between two catalog resources identified by IRIpostDeletes a relationship between two catalog resources identified by IRIpostAI Context EngineAnswersDetailed answerpostToolsAnswer ToolpostMetadataTool apis metadata as JSONgetTool apis metadata as YAMLgetDATASETS AND PROJECTSdatasetsList datasets for a specified ownergetCreate a datasetpostDelete a datasetdeleteRetrieve a datasetgetUpdate a datasetpatchCreate / Replace a datasetputFetch latest file from source and update dataset — via GET, for convenience.getFetch latest file from source and update dataset.postRetrieve a dataset versiongetDownload a datasetgetDOIsDelete dataset DOIdeleteCreate dataset DOIputDelete dataset version DOIdeleteCreate dataset version DOIputfilesDelete filesdeleteAdd files from URLspostDelete a filedeleteGet file description and labelsgetUpdate file description and labelspatchReplace file description and labelsputSync files (via GET)getSync filespostDownload a filegetUpload filespostUpload a fileputinsightsList insightsgetCreate an insightpostDelete an insightdeleteRetrieve an insightgetUpdate an insightpatchReplace an insightputRetrieve an insight versiongetprojectsList projects for a specified ownergetCreate a data projectpostDelete a data projectdeleteRetrieve a data projectgetUpdate a data projectpatchCreate / Replace a data projectputUnlink datasetdeleteLink datasetputRetrieve a data project versiongetstreamsAppend record(s)postDelete all recordsdeleteRetrieve stream schemagetSet / Update stream schemapatchLIVE CONNECTIONSconnectionsGet connections by ownergetCreate a new connectionpostDelete a ConnectiondeleteGet an individual connectiongetTest a connectionposttablesAdd live tables from a virtual connectionpostQUERYqueriesCancel a querypostList published queriesgetCreate a saved query in a specified datasetpostDelete a saved query in a specified datasetdeleteUpdate a saved query in a specified datasetputList user saved queriesgetList published queriesgetCreate a saved querypostDelete a saved querydeleteUpdate a saved queryputList saved queriesgetRetrieve a saved querygetExecute a saved querygetExecute a saved query (with parameters)postRetrieve a saved query versiongetExecute SPARQL query via GETgetExecute SPARQL query via POSTpostExecute SPARQL query via GET with the default graphgetExecute SPARQL query via POST with the default graphpostSQL query (via GET)getSQL querypostDescribe a SQL querypostSEARCHsearchAdvanced search on resourcespostSimple search on resourcespostREQUESTSrequests - authorizationCreate an authorization requestpostAccept an authorization requestpostGet authorization requests that can be approved/rejectedgetDelete an authorization requestpostReject an authorization requestpostrequests - resourceSuggest a Resource ChangepostAccept a resource requestpostGet all resource requests in an organizationgetReject a resource requestpostDelete a resource requestdeleteGet a resource requestgetTOPICS AND COMMENTStopicsGet active topicsgetGet topics for an owner or resourcegetGet a topicgetCreate a new topicpostUpdate an existing topicputDelete an existing topicdeletecommentsGet recently updated commentsgetGet comments for a topicgetGet a commentgetCreate a new commentpostUpdate an existing commentputDelete an existing commentdeleteUSERS AND ORGANIZATIONSorganizationsGet organization details.getAuthorize a Team to access an organizationpostserviceaccountGets all service accounts by owner.getCreate a new service account.postDelete service accountdeleteUpdate service accountpatchRefresh service account tokenpostuserRetrieve user datagetList datasets as contributorgetList liked (bookmarked) datasetsgetList datasets as ownergetList organization membershipsgetList projects as contributorgetList liked (bookmarked) projectsgetList projects ownedgetusersRetrieve a user's profilegetinstanceadminCreate a new userpostDeactivate specified agentpostReactivate specified agentpostWEBHOOKSWebhooks overviewwebhooksList subscriptionsgetUnsubscribe from datasetdeleteRetrieve dataset subscriptiongetSubscribe to datasetputUnsubscribe from data projectdeleteRetrieve data project subscriptiongetSubscribe to data projectputUnsubscribe from accountdeleteRetrieve account subscriptiongetSubscribe to accountputLEGACY CATALOGlegacy catalog - analysissuggest for an existing analysispatchGets metadata analysis by owner.getCreate a new analysis metadata.postDelete an Analysis.deleteGet an individual metadata analysisgetUpdate an existing analysis.patchReplace an existing analysisputlegacy catalog - collectionsGets collections owned by specified ownergetCreates a new collectionpostDeletes a collectiondeleteGets a collection by IDgetUpdates a collectionpatchReplaces a collectionputlegacy catalog - datasuggest for an existing table.patchGets datasources by owner.getGet an individual datasource metadatagetGet tables for a data sourcegetCreate a new table metadata.postUpdate an existing table identified by IRI.patchDelete a table.deleteGet an individual table metadatagetUpdate an existing table.patchReplace an existing tableputGet columns for a given tablegetCreate a Column.postDelete a Column.deleteGet an individual column metadatagetUpdate an existing Column.patchReplace an existing columnputlegacy catalog - glossarysuggest for an existing glossary.patchGets metadata glossary by owner.getCreate a new glossary metadata.postDelete a Glossary.deleteGet an individual metadata glossarygetUpdate an existing glossary.patchReplace an existing glossaryputlegacy catalog - propertiesGet supported metadata properties by ownergetlegacy catalog - relationshipsLegacy - Creates a relationship between two catalog resourcespostLegacy - Deletes a relationship between two catalog resourcespostLegacy - Get resources that are related to a resourcepostLegacy - Get resources that are related to a tablepostAuthorize a Team to access an organizationpost https://api.data.world/v0/organizations/{agentid}/authorizations/{teamid}Authorize a Team to access an organization