Execute SPARQL query via GET with the default graph

Execute a SPARQL query. The query will default to using the :current graph if the query contains no FROM clauses and no default graph URI parameters are specified, in which case it will return a 404 if the :current graph does not exist for the org.

SPARQL results are available in a variety of formats. By default, application/sparql-results+json will be returned. Set the Accept header to one of the following values in accordance with your preference and the type of the query (SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, ASK):

  • application/sparql-results+xml

  • application/sparql-results+json

  • application/rdf+json

  • application/rdf+xml

  • text/csv

  • text/tab-separated-values

  • text/turtle

New to SPARQL? Check out data.world's SPARQL tutorial.

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