Upload files

"Upload multiple files at once to a dataset.

This endpoint expects requests of type multipart/form-data and you can include one or more parts named
file, each containing a different file to be uploaded.

For example, assuming that you want to upload two local files named file1.csv and file2.csv to a
hypothetical dataset https://data.world/awesome-user/awesome-dataset, this is what the cURL command
would look like.

curl \
  -H ""Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"" \
  -F ""file=@file1.csv"" \
  -F ""file=@file2.csv"" \

Swagger clients may limit this method of upload to one file at a time. Other HTTP clients capable of
making multipart/form-data requests can be used to upload multiple files in a single request."

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!